
Moving Image in Space

Directed by: Kalle Nio - WHS (Finland)


19 to 23 May (Tuesday to Saturday)

 Projecto Funicular*: a training project on puppetry by 
 CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta | A Tarumba 

This year one of the moments of Projecto Funicular happens during FIMFA Lx15 - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms with Kalle Nio, one of the artistic directors of the company WHS. Kalle Nio was the director and one of the performers of the opening show of FIMFA Lx14, "Lähtö / Départ", presented at Teatro São Luiz.

Kalle Nio is a visual artist and a magician from Helsinki. In his work he examines the new kinds of expression possibilities provided by video image and its capacities related to time and space.

ForPuppeteers, actors, dancers, visual artists, performing arts students, video artists, professionals in the fields of cinema, audiovisual or video
Number of participants: 10
Workshop timesTuesday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
Working language: English
Fee: 85€
Deadline for applications: 12 May 2015
Attendance confirmation14 May 2015

Info and inscriptions
The inscription in the workshop (subject to selection) is made by the dully filled application form and by enclosing a detailed and updated curriculum vitae and a motivation letter. You can send all the documentation by e-mail for or

Application Form
The workshop is for artists who are interested in using video projections in their work.
The aim is to try out different possibilities that projections and moving image can give to a live performance and to give basic knowledge on the digital tools of video projection in 3D space.
Workshop will start with a lecture on the history of moving image in a live performance context. From there it will move into basic techniques of filming and projecting image. During the workshop the participants are going to work together in small groups to make different tests, rehearsals and short presentations. They will try to find new ways of combining and mapping projections with the three dimensional space and live performers.

Kalle Nio has graduated from The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts. As a magician Nio has specialised in developing new tricks and new kinds of magic. His inventions have been published in the most important professional magic publications such as the MAGIC-Magazine. In 2000 he won the third price in the world championships of magic (FISM) in the Inventions category. In addition to his work as a magician, Nio has worked as a director, editor and animator in TV programs, commercials and short films.
Presently the company of Kalle, WHS, works in Teatteri Union, an old cinema theatre in the center of Helsinki that won the city’s prize for the best cultural event 2014.
WHS is a visual theatre / contemporary circus group from Finland. The productions of the group have been a crucial factor behind the rise of Finnish new circus that has rapidly occurred in the past decade.
The circus group has grown known for the juggling style of Walo that balances on the boundary surfaces between juggling and puppetry, and the scale of expression of Nio that reaches from visual arts to magic.
The group has taken their performances in many different places throughout the world, visiting over a hundred world-famous festivals, circuses, theatres and puppet theatres.

*Projecto Funicular (Funicular Project)a training program of CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta | A Tarumba of international workshops designed for professionals selected on the basis of their curriculum and experience. The inscription is international and due to the selection of the trainers and trainees, combines puppetry with other art forms. The contemporary puppet theatre combines many manipulation techniques or artistic fields. The traditional manipulation techniques are reinvented. The puppeteer must know how to control and manipulate both his body and voice, and, simultaneously, taking advantage of the diversity and aesthetic freedoms from puppetry and animated forms.
The first set of workshops was held in 2010, with Stephen Mottram and Agnès Limbos, two very important creators in contemporary puppetry and objects theatre. In 2011 took place the workshop held by the American Jim Kroupa, one of the most famous and prestigious puppeteer and puppet builder who has worked on several Muppet projects on building mechanisms for puppets. In 2012 took place the workshops “Creating theatre for young audiences: light and movement” directed by Francesca Sorgato and Flop Lefebvre; and “Behind the screen: introduction to shadow and to the shadow theatre” directed by Fabrizio Montecchi, from Teatro Gioco Vita, one of the great masters of shadow theatre. Agnès Limbos and Nicole Mossoux, from Cie Mossoux-Bonté, directed the workshop “The Body and the Object” in 2013. Thomas Lundqvist, regarded as the European greatest specialist in Bunraku, coordinated in 2014 the workshop “Bunraku Puppet: The Anatomy and Manipulation”. In 2015 the first workshop “Body, Puppet and Manipulation: Human Body – Human Doll” was led by Antje Töpfer and created by Iris Meinhardt.