Raimundo Cosme, Gonçalo Viana e David Machado (Portugal)

"Parece um Pássaro"


9 May at 11.30am (Saturday)

A book with text by David Machado and illustrated by Gonçalo Viana
Creation and performer: Raimundo Cosme Visual concept: Gonçalo Viana Costume: Costura Armada Lighting design: Sara Garrinhas Sound: Isabelle Coelho Executive production: Francisca Rodrigues Co-production: Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Plataforma 285 Photography: José Frade Technique: Full-view manipulation For audiences over: from 3 to 9 years Language: Portuguese Running time: Approx. 25 min.

A story about a young boy who finds a funny hat, which Raimundo Cosme will bring to life based on the visual elements created by illustrator Gonçalo Viana. After the performance there will be a conversation with the artist and the children.

Looks like a bird [Parece um pássaro] is the fifth book in the Promising books [Livros com pernas para andar]’ readings, which they are carrying out in partnership with Associação para a Promoção Cultural da Criança.

Raimundo Cosme is graduated in Theatre by ESAD.CR. He is a collaborator of the theatre companies Cão Solteiro and Teatro do Vestido, since 2009, working regularly as an actor and co-creator. He also worked with several actors and directors. He founded in 2011, the theatre company Plataforma 285. He worked in films with Manuel Pureza, Luciano Sazo and Joaquim Leitão. He also made some works as an actor for television.

David Machado was born in Lisbon in 1978. He is the author of the novel "The Giant’s Theatre of Fantasy" and a book of short stories, "Possible Stories". In 2005 his children's story "The Night of the Invented Animals" received the Branquinho da Fonseca Prize awarded by of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the weekly Expresso. Since then he has written three more children’s stories. In 2010 his children's story received the SPA/RTP 2010 Author Award, for Best Children Book. His books are published in Italy and Morocco. His stories have been published in anthologies and literary magazines in Italy, Germany, Norway, United Kingdom, Iceland and Morocco. He has translated works by Adolfo Bioy Casares, and Mario Benedetti.

Gonçalo Viana was born in Lisbon. He studied architecture and moved to London, where he worked at a practice for a few years. Illustration had always been his first love though, and back to Lisbon he left architecture and soon started work as a freelance illustrator. Geometry did find a way to seep back in, providing a frame for his smart concepts, strong colors and textures. Gonçalo likes nothing more than to translate complex ideas into simple and engaging images. His conceptual approach has garnered recognition from Communication Arts, The Society for News Design, 3x3 Magazine, Creative Quarterly and Luerzer’s Archive "200 Best Illustrators Worldwide". When not doing editorial or advertising work Gonçalo likes to illustrate children's books.