Oligor y Microscopía (Mexico-Spain)

"La Máquina de la Soledad"


14 and 15 May at 9.30pm (Thursday and Friday)

16 May at 4pm (Saturday) | 17 May at 5pm (Sunday) 

Portuguese Premiere

Creation, construction and performers: Shaday Larios, Jomi Oligor Co-production: Microscopía and Oligor, Iberescena, TNT 2014, Terrassa Noves Tendències With the collaboration of: La Máquina de Teatro Acknowledgements: Edit, Elvira and Lourdes, Manuel and Elisa, Javier and his mother, David e Anita, Ivan Puig, Marcela Armas, David Continente, Catalina Juárez, Dalia Huerta and Bindu, Xavier Bobés, Jordi Fondevila, Jordà Ferré, Iazua Larios, Rober, Calandria, Claudio and Charo, Lirio and Martí, CaboSanRoque, Rinoceronte Enamorado and all the anonymous people who have somehow ended up in drawers and small boxes of “La Máquina de la Soledad” Technique: Object theatre For audiences over: +12 Language: Spanish Running time: Approx. 80 min. Limited audience

The Loneliness Machine (La Máquina de la Soledad) is a tribute to the letter-object and the postal mail. This Machine is an amplitude of a moment made by a precarious technology, tiny, invisible, which is activated whenever there is ink on the hands, in front a sheet of paper, a distance an absence. The Machine’s engines are memories that are being written with every found correspondence in antique markets of Mexico and Spain, with the archeology of objects, images and unusual anecdotes taken from interviewed scribes, retired postmen, post office workers and investigated files.

The Machine is a defoliated document in a space of micro-landscapes and inventories that reveal the negligible affections that matter shelters. An intimate journey of a documentary object theatre for 46 spectators.

The company Hermanos Oligor presented one of the shows that went down in history and memory of FIMFA, “Las Tribulaciones de Virgínia”, so the festival wanted to show their new delicate and sweet project.

This is the first project of the association of Shaday Larios from Microscopía Teatro and Jomi Oligor from Hermanos Oligor. Before this meeting each one of them felt an attraction and fascination towards objects, memory, micrology, mechanisms and fragility.

La Máquina de la Soledad. Microscopía y Oligor from Microscopia y Oligor on Vimeo.

La Máquina de la Soledad. Microscopía y Oligor. Promo from Microscopia y Oligor on Vimeo.